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Wire Strippers for Tefzel Wire

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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I'm looking for recommendations for wire strippers for tefzel wire I was looking at


as a possible option currently I don't have anything to do thin insulation

That's what I use. It's specifically made for tefzel wire.

You can also add the L-5270 if you want repeatable stripping length.

(the L-5269 is also a good idea if you want to be sure to not damage the stranding)

The higher end stripper is this one:


I have those and the Ergo Elite and I seem to always be using the Ergo Elite. Both however do an excellent job of stripping tefzel wire. You can't go wrong with either option.

If you like can you add your recomendation for tools into this thread.


Adrian you mean this one ?


By the way Ben if you pass around here, is there a way to make sticky thread ?

(most forum have that fonction, very useful to keep the most interesting informations at the top of the section, and it also help to avoid having the same question over and over)


have renamed the thread to ask for all wiring tools, not just cripping tools

has any one used the Knipex stripers?

they might be a more affordable option (in australia).


specifcally 12 12 13

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