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LTFT and STFT reads zero!

Practical Standalone Tuning

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This is a file from my friend car which I tried to tune, had a problem with the ltft and stft could you help me please.

Attached Files

and I cant find the VVE table

Hello Ahmad,

We're not on the same version of vcm editor so I can't open your file. Usually when you have both fuel trims at ''0'' means that you are running fully Open loop. It's possible someone disabled the sensors to start dialing the fueling.

The VVE will be under the ''Edit" tab in the top section. Assuming you have an E38 PCM.

Looks to me like you have applied the speed density patch so you will lose the VVE map. You now have the main maps under "Engine" "Airflow" "Main VE"

Since applying the patch these VE maps have been set to 0 and need to be populated.

That is assuming the map above is the current one. As for the fuel trims, is the 02 sensors operating and does the scanner log as 02 mode open or closed loop?

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