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Evo6rss 's Profile



Gold Member

Richard Morse's profile image

Latest Activity

General Tuning Discussion -> Plex knock monitor V3 setup

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General Tuning Discussion -> Temp ranges for fluids

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General Engine Building Discussion -> Crank pulley failures

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General Tuning Discussion -> More Plex Configuration Questions..

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General Tuning Discussion -> Datalogging water pressure - expected results.

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General Tuning Discussion -> Suggested AFR for VP Racing Octanium leaded with BP98

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General Tuning Discussion -> Setup Tips on Plex V3, any users can advise and share hands on experience ?

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General Tuning Discussion -> Part Throttle Knock Events: VVT | Cam Overlap | Ignition timing

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General Tuning Discussion -> Link G4+ Knock Control Query

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General Tuning Discussion -> Part Throttle Knock Events: VVT | Cam Overlap | Ignition timing

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General Tuning Discussion -> Stacking 2 knock sensors

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General Tuning Discussion -> Steady state tuning

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General Tuning Discussion -> Knock monitor

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General Tuning Discussion -> 20+ Thermocouple to CAN amplifier...

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General Tuning Discussion -> At what point do you delete DI injectors?

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General Tuning Discussion -> Plex V3 knock monitor

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General Tuning Discussion -> Typical coolant pressure values

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General Tuning Discussion -> Increased cylinder filling..

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Member Introductions -> Hi from the UK..

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