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Techsalvager 's Profile



Gold Member

Justin Barrera's profile image

Latest Activity

Off Topic Discussion -> Use Electric Wastegate Actuator on Aftermarket Turbo?

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Webinar Questions -> 135 - VNT turbo control

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General Tuning Discussion -> Pressure transducer recommendation for exhaust backpressure

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Build Threads -> 92 Mazda Miata

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General Tuning Discussion -> Compensation / correction for ignition timing v air temp

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Webinar Questions -> 051 - COLD START - Fuel Enrichment

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Webinar Questions -> 060 | Effect of AFR on engine torque

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General Tuning Discussion -> Best way to determine Cruse and light load areas on a map or finding the right resolution?

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Road Tuning -> Lamda lag factoring

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Off Topic Discussion -> question for andre really or anyone

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General Tuning Discussion -> Boost pressure cannot be controlled even with wastegate forced in open position.

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General Tuning Discussion -> Haltech Elite training seminar, got any questions?

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Road Tuning -> Road Tuning Course

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Understanding AFR -> methanol afr- idle, mid and power range afr

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General Tuning Discussion -> Link ECU shipped to the US

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General Tuning Discussion -> Motec M130

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Webinar Questions -> Link G4 / ViPEC iSeries new VE Fuel Model Explained question?

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Road Tuning -> Left foot Breaking

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Member Introductions -> Hello from the USA

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