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SpeedNess 's Profile



Gold Member

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CANBus Communications Decoded -> Haltech CAN input

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PDM Installation & Configuration -> PMU 16 Ground

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EFI Wiring Fundamentals -> Power Ground Design Sanity Check

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Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level -> Stub splice before connector or 2 wires straight into contact

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Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level -> CWA400 Supply in concentric layout question

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Practical Standalone Tuning -> Thermocouple vs Temperature Sensor for Intake Air Temperature

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Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level -> grounds for actuators

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EFI Wiring Fundamentals -> A Cheaper Way to Crimp AMP Superseal 1.0 Solid Contacts

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CANBus Communications Decoded -> PMU16 Analog Inputs over CAN bus to Haltech Elite

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PDM Installation & Configuration -> PDM installation and Starpoint earthing

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General Tuning Discussion -> RIFE Sensor Block Reliability

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Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level -> 13B IGN-1A Smart Coils Sub Harness Diagram/Feedback

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EFI Wiring Fundamentals -> Fuses and relay

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Buy Sell and Swap -> Never Used Haltech Elite 2000

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EFI Wiring Fundamentals -> HPA's FD Rx7 Cooling Fan Harness Integration

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General Tuning Discussion -> Using OEM Pressure/Temperature sensors with Haltech Elite ECU

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Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level -> HPA's FD3S Updated Component List

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