Get The Information You Want, When You Want It | Custom Digital Dash Display

The MoTeC display creator software allows you to create custom displays for a range of their dash loggers. Here's some insight into what YOU can do with it in this 'Today at HPA' update.

While the standard function of MoTeC digital dash displays is more than adequate, if you have a specific function or data point you want to add or change this software allows you the full ability to do so.

Thanks to Sam and Andre taking a holiday where instead of relaxing on the beach he spent the entire time playing with this, a few things have recently been learned by us which might not be anything new to you, but if it is and applies to your setup, we hope it helps noting that while we have a MoTeC dash, there are others on the market with similar functionally to which this same general overview will apply.

0:00 - MoTeC Display Creator
0:50 - Too Hard Basket Previously
1:18 - Simulate Function via MoTeC i2
2:50 - Layout And Some Functionality/Warnings
5:00 - TPMS Intergrated
5:22 - Lap Gain/Loss - Delta
5:46 - Switch Position Change - Boost, Rain, Traction, Session
6:34 - 8,000 Overlay
6:50 - General Engine and Electrical Data
7:13 - Pit Limiter Display
8:03 - Colour Helps With Specifics Without Needing To Think Hard
8:50 - Thumbs Up, Learn More 

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  •  's profile image
    Great format for the display Andre. Are you able to share so people can use it as a base?
    - Mako1 Australia
    13 months ago