CAN Bus Communications Decoded: Step 1: What Are You Looking For?
Step 1: What Are You Looking For?
00:00 | - For this worked example, I'm sitting here in the RaceCraft 86 and we're going to be hunting for a steering wheel angle position parameter on the CAN bus data stream. |
00:09 | Now the reason we want this data is because it's going to be really nice to be able to overlay a graphic of the steering wheel angle onto the output of the video system that is actually fitted within this vehicle. |
00:22 | So we know exactly what the driver was doing at that point in the lap. |
00:26 | It's also a really good parameter to be able to log because we can go through the data later and we can see what the driver was doing in any particular corner and because this car is set up specifically for driver training, it's going to be really good to be able to get a log of what the professional driver is doing and then compare that to any of the amateurs that are in here as well. |