CAN Bus Communications Decoded: Step 2: Making a Physical Connection
Step 2: Making a Physical Connection
00:00 | - The second step of the process is making that physical connection to our CAN bus. |
00:04 | Now because this is an OEM parameter being output by I believe it's probably the ABS computer in this instance or the traction control computer, it's going to be on the main safety bus in the vehicle and that's really going to help us out because I know that that bus is going to be connected to the factory OBD2 connector in the vehicle. |
00:26 | So that's where we're going to make our entry point into the bus to be able to scope. |
00:30 | So what we've done is inserted a couple of DTM connector pins into the CAN high and CAN low pins in that connector. |
00:40 | It's a known pin out and we've simply alligator clipped onto those. |
00:44 | This is purely a temporary setup just to get the data and decode it in this instance and then we'll actually do a nicer job of plumbing that in permanently later down the track. |