MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial: Offline Editing
Offline Editing
00:00 | Instead of connecting to an ECU to make live changes, you may instead decide to open a package for offline editing. |
00:08 | There are a few ways we can approach this through the Quick-Launch flyout. |
00:12 | First of all we can see that we have the option to open a recent package, and in this will show us the most recent packages we have been working on. |
00:21 | Hovering over the package with the mouse will highlight it, and clicking on it will then open it for editing. |
00:28 | Alternatively we can see a full list of all the available packages by clicking below on the ‘browse packages icon’, or the open package icon from the tool bar here. |
00:40 | Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut ‘Control’ plus ‘O’ to do the same job. |
00:48 | After you have been using M1 Tune for some time, it is likely you will end up with too many packages to easily select the one you want so we can use the filter options to help narrow down our search and find the correct package. |
01:04 | The first option is ‘All’ which simply shows a complete unfiltered list of all available packages. |
01:12 | ‘Recently Imported’ will generate a list of all packages, grouped by the date they were imported and then sorted by the most recently modified. |
01:22 | ‘By Firmware’ will generate a list of all packages, grouped by firmware name and then sorted alphabetically. |
01:30 | ‘By Hardware’ will generate a list of all packages, grouped by the M1 hardware model and then sorted alphabetically. |
01:39 | ‘By ECU’ will generate a list of all packages, grouped by ECU type and ECU serial number, then sorted alphabetically Lastly ‘By Vehicle ID’ shows all packages, grouped by Vehicle ID and then sorted alphabetically. |
01:59 | How you use the filter options will depend on exactly what you are looking for. |
02:04 | With these filters in mind and also as a matter of good house keeping, it is important to keep the Vehicle ID and description up to date as you tune and modify a package. |