MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial: Temporary and Permanent Changes
Temporary and Permanent Changes
00:00 | Any time you make a tuning change to a package in M1 Tune, the change is made instantly, and the ECU will begin using the new value. |
00:08 | For instance if you change the ignition timing or engine efficiency, the effect will noticed the instant you press enter to lock in the new number. |
00:17 | At this point the change is not stored though and if the connection between the ECU and Tune is lost, the ECU will revert to the stored value. |
00:27 | If the connection between the ECU and Tune is re-established, the previous set of changes will again become active. |
00:33 | Remember that these changes are still not stored and hence disconnecting the laptop will again revert to the original calibration data. |
00:42 | Any time you make any change to a package, you will see an icon on the bottom of the screen that will warn you that the package has been modified. |
00:51 | If you want to make your tuning changes permanent, you need to save the package by clicking on the Save icon in the tool bar here, or by Pressing ‘Control’ and ‘S’. |
01:01 | In a few instances, a live change isn’t possible as the parameter being changed may have some underlying dependencies that all need to be updated simultaneously. |
01:11 | In this case an ECU reset by performing a save is required. |
01:16 | Parameters that will require a reset are designated by a red flag as you can see here. |
01:22 | If you change one of these parameters, a red message will warn you that a reset is required and the changes will not become active until this has been done. |