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Practical Standalone Tuning: Step 9: Full Power Tuning

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Step 9: Full Power Tuning


00:00 - Alright now we're ready to move onto the last segment of this process that we're actually going to film on the dyno which is our wide open throttle full power ramp run tuning.
00:09 Before we can do that though, there are a couple of steps that we need to complete or want to complete so let's jump back into our tuning software.
00:17 And you'll recall that we've tuned up to 140 kPa on our ignition timing and I've already talked about the fact that we've sort of followed the trends beyond that and removed a little bit of timing.
00:28 But what I'm going to do is just highlight the entire table from 160 kPa and above, below in terms of the actual table structure, and we'll just use the minus sign 2° and we'll safe up the entire map by an additional 2°.
00:46 Likewise we're going to do something similar here with our fuelling and we know that we tuned up to 40 kPa, we've followed the trends but just going to highlight 60 kPa and above and we'll add an additional 2% to our fuelling.
01:01 The other element that I just want to quickly touch on here is the boost control and how we're going to be dealing with that and I'm not going to dive too deep into this here, again just to try and keep this worked example relatively straightforward and easy to follow, I don't want to add too much additional information into the mix.
01:18 We do have our boost control course which will be perfect if you do want to dive deeper and learn a little bit more about the open and closed loop boost control system and how we can optimise that.
01:30 But that, for that particular reason is a course in and of itself.
01:34 So I don't want to basically drag this out and make it a massive worked example covering every single element but let's just have a look at what we will be dealing with.
01:44 So if we press escape and we type in wastegate and we've already had a quick look at this table, so we've got that set to zero at the moment so this is important, we've already come from this when we were doing our fuel and our ignition and we want to make sure that we're going to end up starting on our minimum or wastegate spring pressure.
02:03 And what I'm going to be doing is revisiting this table and adding duty cycle to it in order to get ourselves up to our peak boost which as I mentioned, probably will be maybe 18-20 psi, just depending how the engine's responding, probably dropping away a little bit as the RPM comes up but for now, all we want to do is just make sure that we can creep everything through on our minimum wastegate spring pressure.
02:26 Let's also just revisit our limit table, so we'll start by entering RPM.
02:31 And we'll come down here to our RPM limit table one and we've got that set to 8000.
02:38 Now as I earlier touched on as well, the factory rev limit for the STi engine is 8000 RPM.
02:44 Typically I don't actually see much benefit with a stock configuration, a stock turbo on revving the engine that hard.
02:51 Chances are with this one, we might end up pulling the rev limiter back a bit to maybe 7500 and we'll see how it responds, essentially at this stage, the important thing is it's out of our way and it's not going to come in and inadvertently activate while we're tuning.
03:06 For just the same reason, let's just revisit out MAP sensor.
03:10 Or MAP limit I should say.
03:13 And we'll come down to our MAP limit table one.
03:15 We'd set that to 200 kPa, there's nothing wrong with that, we could creep this up a little bit now that we know that we have actually got control over our boost but we can also just leave it, we just do need to come back and readdress this before we start trying to creep up over 200 kPa.
03:31 Now the other element that we will be relying on quite heavily while we go through this tuning process is our datalogging.
03:38 Really nice on the G4+, G4X platform in that it has a really sophisticated built in PC logger.
03:45 We can see up in the top right corner, we've got this red label warning us that the PC logger's off and by pressing the F8 key, that will start our logger, press F8 again, it will stop it.
03:57 Alternatively you can come into the logging menu here and you can control that by scrolling down here and we have record and stop.
04:08 There is a separate tab for our logging, we can go over here to our logging tab, basically got a little bit of logging captured here at idle so not particularly meaningful right now, let's just get our logger running and we'll give the engine a rev.
04:26 Alright so I'll just quickly talk about what we're looking at here.
04:29 Obviously RPM at the top, we've got our lambda target vs our lambda, obviously as we've explained, we don't have onboard lambda but we can compare our lambda target on this log to what the dyno is showing us.
04:41 The other elements we've got is our manifold absolute pressure which is in our third group here, going to be important to see what our boost control is doing.
04:50 Got our engine coolant temperature and we can just monitor that, make sure that's safe.
04:55 And just down the bottom here we do have some information about our variable valve timing just to basically make sure it's tracking as I explained.
05:03 We won't really be covering the VVT setup here but we can just monitor and make sure that everything is happy.
05:09 Now if you want to make changes to this, really easy to do, we can right click here and click on properties.
05:16 And for example let's just click on this group here which has our engine coolant temperature.
05:20 We can add a parameter by clicking add parameter and basically the same as our ECU settings menu, we can manually go through and find that or the much easier way is to just enter what we're looking for and it will auto fill.
05:35 Double click on the new parameter that we want to add, new channel that we want to add and there we go, we've got that entered.
05:43 Alright so that's what we're going to be doing.
05:45 Let's quickly head across to our dyno and see how our dyno's setup.
05:48 So we're on our ramp run screen at the moment, we've got three graphs, the top one, which at the moment is covered by the Mainline logo, is our air/fuel ratio in lambda.
05:57 This little reference line that I've put in here at 0.80 just gives me an instant at a glance idea of whether we're richer or leaner than 0.8.
06:07 We've got our manifold absolute pressure.
06:09 I'm doing this in kPa just so the numbers are comparable to what's in the fuel and ignition tables.
06:16 Again I've put in a reference line here at 100 kPa, 1 bar of boost, 15 psi for all intents and purposes.
06:22 Obviously our actual power will be displayed below this.
06:27 We can also click on setup here and we can decide on what we want to do for our run length.
06:34 So let's have a look at our setup here, we're starting at 2000 RPM or 1990 RPM, close enough and we are running currently at 7000.
06:43 Now you'll remember that we've obviously tuned out to 4500 under steady state, we are likely to be a little bit above the area that we tune to.
06:51 So I'm not necessarily expecting everything to be perfect, hopefully it should be a little richer than it needs to be but I probably wouldn't also do my first run all the way out to 7000 RPM.
07:02 So 4500 RPM, chances are I want to creep out a little bit into the unturned area.
07:08 So let's see if we can get ourselves out to maybe 5000 RPM or thereabouts so we'll just select, something that's going to get us out to, in this case 5500, I'm OK with that.
07:20 Probably when you're getting started, I would suggest being a little bit more conservative and only moving out in 500 RPM increments.
07:27 Remember though, when you're doing a ramp run on the dyno, if something's happening that you're not liking, if the air/fuel ratio is too rich or too lean and you're not comfortable or alternatively you're starting to hear knock, you can always just abort the run, back off the throttle, clutch in, come back to idle, sort it out, make some changes as required and then come back and do another run.
07:46 Alright so now that we know what we're going to do, let's get our very first run on the board and because we are going all the way out here to, was it 6000 RPM? I forget, let's just have a quick look at our setup again, 5500 RPM, I was wrong.
08:01 We're going to potentially need to abort this run if things aren't right so let's just see how we go.
08:07 So we'll click on begin here and we'll get our fan up and running.
08:12 I'm going to be monitoring these runs now with my knock measuring equipment so I'll get that set up and we'll get our first run underway.
08:38 OK first run complete there and actually the air/fuel ratio was pretty good out in the higher RPM region so I obviously stayed in it there.
08:46 Let's have a look at our dyno for a start and I really don't care about the power at the moment, 196 horsepower at the wheels, we obvously haven't even got our way out to the rev limiter or to our maximum RPM so not really too worried about that, we've got our boost pressure, looks like everything's nice and stable here, it has flattened off, looks like we're running around about 0.6 bar but we'll dive into that in a bit more detail.
09:06 Air/fuel ratio right in the top end there has gone a little bit richer than our target but let's just save this run so we can analyse it.
09:16 And we'll just simply call this T1 for tune one, that's probably all the description we need and now we'll be able to dive into this in a little bit more detail.
09:26 Looking here, actually 46 kPa of positive boost so not a whole lot but let's have a look into our laptop tuning software and we'll have a look at our logging and see what that actually looks like because this will be a little bit more telling as to how everything is working.
09:43 So we can see from our RPM here, we ended up going out to to 5700 RPM.
09:49 Not uncommon to be a little bit of a discrepancy between the dyno RPM set point and what we're actually revving to and this comes down to dyno setup so totally comfortable with that.
09:59 Here we've actually got our manifold absolute pressure reading, 157 kPa, so we've got a discrepancy between the dyno, I am going to trust the Link ECU though because that's really the important point.
10:11 We can see what our cam control is doing down here, It's basically matching my target so for the sake of simplicity now that I know that is all working, what I'm doing to do is simply remove that group of channels because we don't need to worry about it for our purposes.
10:27 Another element here is the graph with our air/fuel ratio lambda target.
10:33 The scaling on this isn't particularly useful so let's just quickly fix this up, not essential but just to show you how this is done.
10:40 We can see the minimum and maximum values.
10:43 Lambda 1 at the moment, let's just remove that, because we don't have it, and that should work but what we'll do is double click on this and we'll display our minimum and maximum instead of using the automatic symbols or automatic values I should say.
11:00 So minimum value there is 0.7 which will be find and maximum value there, 1.3, let's make that 1.1, just to be a little bit more specific, click OK and now we're going to see a little bit more detail in this so that's how you can rescale that.
11:18 Alright so for the start we know that our fuelling is under control, we are actually targeting 0.86 and we are a little bit rich at 0.78 in the top end, not going to worry too much about that right now, what I want to do first of all if we can is get us a run all the way out to 7000, maybe 7500 RPM.
11:40 Because everything's safe, I've got no knock occurring, what I'm going to do is exactly that, before we start getting into making some changes.
11:48 So let's change our setup and again I would probably recommend that initially you just use 500 RPM increments but we're going to go a little bit more extreme than that so let's get us all the way out to 7000 and again no danger here, if I'm not comfortable with something, I'm just going to back off the throttle, abort the run and come back and have another look at it.
12:08 Alright so what we'll do now is we'll click on begin, get ready to do our second run, we'll get our logging operating again on our laptop and get our run underway and have a look at the results.
12:47 OK second run there is complete, 229 horsepower, again at this stage I'm not really too worried about the horsepower reading.
12:54 Looking at our air/fuel ratio plot, possibly a little lean at this point right here, looks like around about 2700, 2800 RPM, haven't really got a lot of boost at that stage though so certainly not dangerous.
13:07 Comes down quite nicely towards our target but remembering that at this sort of boost pressure, our target's around about 0.85 or thereabouts and our reference line there is 0.80 so we actually did go quite rich in the top end here and I'm not too worried about that but certainly it's hurting power, it's not dangerous.
13:25 Could have aborted and come back and made a change but let's see how we can make some changes now, get our fuelling dialled in.
13:31 So we'll save that as T2.
13:33 Now we're going to use this reference, this is where it gets a little tricky because we don't have our lambda and our target on the same device.
13:40 We're basically going to be comparing our lambda here from the dyno and we're going to then be applying that to the changes that we need to make in our fuel table.
13:52 So the point that I've got at the moment, around about 2700 RPM so let's jump into our laptop tuning software and find that particular point.
14:01 Actually happens I got that spot on.
14:03 And looking at our target at the point, 0.92, so we can see that from our dyno we're sitting at 0.96 so we're around about 4% leaner than our target.
14:17 Nice thing with using the logging software, logging system in the G4X PC Link software is if we come back to our fuel table, we do see, I'll just turn the colour gradient off for a moment, we do see the pink box which shows us where abouts we were accessing in the fuel table at that particular point in time.
14:39 So we're between zones, I'm not too worried about getting too fussy down here but what we will do is we'll highlight the 2500 and 3000 RPM zones and I'm going to do everything from 20 kPa which is where we were and above and what we'll do is multiply by 1.04, that should get us pretty close to correcting that particular error so I'll just press F4 and save so we don't have those unsafe changes in the way.
15:07 Let's come up to our next point here, 3500 RPM and we're 0.89, head back to our logging.
15:14 And again if we just match our RPM point, 3500, let's see where we are here, looks like we're about here, 3500.
15:24 We are actually right on our target, 0.88, 0.89, splitting hairs there so pretty happy with that.
15:32 Let's move onto our next point which in this case, we've got 4400 RPM.
15:36 Again we'll find that particular point here, 4400, we're pretty much right there.
15:43 Target of 0.87, now we're a bit rich, we're 0.83 so we're starting to move richer as well.
15:52 So that's OK, let's go back to our tuning.
15:54 0.86 vs 0.83 so we're 3% richer than our target.
16:00 Now we are sort of interpolating at this point.
16:03 You can see that we are sort of taking values from all of these four cells but just to keep it nice and clean, what I'm going to do is just use the cells 60 kPa and above and to remove 4% we want to multiply by 0.96 so we can do exactly that.
16:20 Then we do want to now look at our next point which we'll come out to 5300.
16:28 Obviously we can get a little bit more granular with this as required.
16:31 5300, we can just check back here, think we're pretty much consistent now, around about 0.86 right the way through here.
16:39 So doesn't really matter too much.
16:41 So 0.86 with a target of, sorry a target of 0.86 with a measured of 0.78 so we're around about 8% richer than we want to be here so again that's 5300, let's come here to 5500 and we will make that change.
17:03 So 8%, we want to multiply by 0.92 to affect an 8% change.
17:10 What I'm going to do as well, we've got a trend in our graph where we're sort of moving richer and richer as we go so I'm going to make a change here to our 5000 RPM as well, let's multiply that by 0.95, we're going to take 5% out at that point.
17:28 Now moving forward, we can see that at our next point, 6200 RPM on the dyno, we're down at 0.75.
17:37 So again our target of 0.86, 0.75, we're now about 11% richer than our target.
17:46 What I'm going to do here though, remember out in these areas here, we're beyond the area we actually tuned in steady state so this change I am going to make at 6500 RPM for the entire column.
17:59 So what I'll do, I'm going to underestimate this change, we just said 11% but what I'm going to do is start by taking out maybe 9%, it's always easier to underestimate, actually I'll make that 8%, always easier to underestimate and then take more out rather than find you've gone too far.
18:16 OK so because I underestimated that change, I'm actually going to do the same here, 0.92 will work at 6000 RPM and then also 7000, 7500 and 8000.
18:29 Now because we are moving richer as we go, now I will take a little bit more out, this time I'll take 10% out.
18:35 So multiplication of 0.9.
18:37 And I also didn't make these changes, when I changed 5000 and 5500 RPM, I should have made those changes through to this untuned area here as well 'cause again we're above the area that we were tuning under steady state conditions so what I'm going to do is just highlight those cells there and what we'll do is make a change there of 0.95.
19:01 Alright so we'll store our changes there, that's our first round of modifications, I'm not expecting perfection here but let's get another run underway and check the results of those changes.
19:40 Alright so our next run out of the way there, again really not too worried about power.
19:45 Straight away we could see during the run, our air/fuel ratio, much closer to the target.
19:49 Except in this higher region here of the RPM.
19:52 We're still a little bit richer than where we want to be but again we underestimated that change so it's not unexpected.
19:59 What we'll do now is we'll save that run so we can analyse it and basically go through exactly the same process so let's have a look.
20:06 And again overlaid with our previous run, first of all you can see we got rid of this lean hole here at sort of 2800 to 2900, 3000 RPM.
20:16 And for the most part we're tracking pretty nicely.
20:19 Let's have a look here, 0.83, remembering our target's around about 0.86 so we're still a little bit rich.
20:26 However, from about this point on, 6000 RPM here, we're now, let's just get rid of our other run, we're now 0.79 so we're around about 6% rich from, maybe 7% rich from 6000 RPM so let's have a look and see how we can address that.
20:44 So again 6000 RPM, what we'll do is highlight the entire table out there and we're simply going to remove the amount that we calculated, oh let's still undershoot a little bit, we'll go 0.95 so instead of 6%, we'll remove 5%.
21:01 So that should get us onto our target and then looking at the rest of that table there from 4500 RPM out to 5500 RPM, we're 0.83 so we're around about 3% rich so again, I'll deal with 5000 and 5500 on their own, so I multiply by 0.97, will remove three and then 4500 RPM, let's just double check where I want to make that change to, yeah I want to make that change from 4500, obviously we have tuned that column so I will only make that from 40 kPa and above.
21:40 Again multiplied by 0.93.
21:43 That should be enough to pretty closely dial our fuelling in under the wastegate minimum boost pressure.
21:52 Let's get another run up and underway and we'll see if that's the case.
22:21 Alright so we cleaned up most of that fuelling but you can see that we are still just a little bit rich in the top end here.
22:29 Also looks like 4500 RPM we actually might have gone a little bit far, we've got a bit of a lean dip.
22:33 Not a problem though, we can sort that out.
22:35 Let's save that and analyse it so we can have a better look.
22:39 And again I'll get rid of our previous run but you can see before I do that, that everything's worked exactly as we'd expected, we've moved leaner but not quite as far as we need to so let's again have a look here, so 4300, we're 0.89 and if we just jump into our datalogging again, 4300 RPM, we'll just have a quick look at what we actually wanted.
23:04 So we can double click and expand this so we've got a little bit more detail here.
23:09 We are 4300 so I'll just cycle through until we've got 4300.
23:14 0.87 so we're actually not too bad, we're around 2% so because I'm fussy, I will go ahead and fix that.
23:22 The bigger issue here though is of course out at 6500 RPM and above, we're 0.81, 0.80 so if we look in our tuning software again, we can see that we're 0.85, 0.86 so we are a little bit rich.
23:38 So I'm just going to go through a couple of iterations here just to speed this process up and we'll jump to our finished result with our fuelling dialled in at this minimum wastegate boost pressure.
23:50 OK so we've now got our fuelling dialled in so let's have a look at our results here on the dyno.
23:54 We'll first of all go back to our power graph.
23:57 180 kW, 241 horsepower, still not worried about the power.
24:01 We can see though that our lambda plot now a lot closer to the mark.
24:07 Still got a few bumps here and there and if we analyse this in a bit more detail we can see we've got this sort of lean spot here but 0.88, I think from memory our target was 0.87, I'm not worried about that.
24:18 Likewise we're 0.84 in the top end with a target of 0.85 but it's important to consider that this is the minimum wastegate boost pressure, we'll never essentially be running that, the engine will only be transitioning through this so I'm not too worried about getting really fussy with our fuelling and getting everything dialled in at this point because it's just simply not a situation the engine's going to run at so for now I'm happy with our fuelling so let's switch over to our ignition.
24:48 And what we'll do is get our graduation back on here, so what we'll do here is we'll just double click and expand that out so we've got a bit more detail and really what I'm interested in here is looking at where we're sitting in our boost.
25:01 So we start at 151 kPa when the wastegate really starts controlling boost and then by the end of the run there at let's say 7000 RPM, we're up to 163, 164 kPa.
25:12 Again we can see exactly where we are in that run, let's click in the middle there, go back to our tuning and our ignition table and we can see our ghost cursor there.
25:22 Which is why I turned the graduated colour off just so we can see it in a little bit more detail.
25:27 So running through that 160 kPa row, for the most part, at the start we'll be interpolating a little bit from the one above, 140 but remember we pulled a couple of degrees out of here so let's just see how the engine responds.
25:40 So we'll start by highlighting the 160 kPa and we'll simply add 2° back in.
25:45 Now obviously as we start adding timing, we want to be a little bit more cautious of listening for knock.
25:51 The other thing we want to do is just monitor, this will overlay on top of our last run so here the only difference is going to be of course, the additional 2° of timing.
26:01 So we'll be able to see in real time whether that timing's actually had an effect, whether it's improved, whether we're moving towards MBT so let's get another run underway and see how that pans out.
26:27 Alright so what we can see from that, and it was really telling during the run is essentially the two graphs overlaid one on top of the other so while we have safed up that tune somewhat, we obviously are at or very close to MBT.
26:41 The additional 2° of timing hasn't resulted in knock but it also hasn't given us any more power so I'm simply going to take those back out so minus key, minus symbol, 2°, we're back to where we are.
26:54 If we want to start getting a little bit more granular, wouldn't be a bad idea to actually pull another 2° out and see if we actually start dropping torque and it's very very easy just to do these back to back runs and analyse in detail, the sort of results that we're getting.
27:07 In our instance though, I'm happy enough to leave that as it was, where we started with 2° out of that.
27:13 What I'm going to do though is just go a little bit further because we've now got this step where we jump off from 140 kPa, and we've gone 2° down from 120 to 140 and now we're actually going 4° down so what we're going to do is just simply smooth that out.
27:31 So couple of ways we can do it, we can do it manually or we can do the shift and V, that's going to interpolate vertically and that's going to do the job for us so we'll save that.
27:41 Now's the time to start adding a little bit more boost into this and starting to creep up on our ultimate power level so let's, before we do that, have a look and make sure that we're not setting ourselves up for a failure.
27:55 In our ignition table we know that our last run, we were running through 160 kPa, hopefully we can get ourselves to or very close to 180 kPa but I've got that same 2° drop off there as we go.
28:08 Easy enough though, let's just highlight 180 and below and what we'll do is we'll again take out another 2°, just starting a little bit safer.
28:17 Let's have a look at our fuel table and again looking at our logging we can see exactly where we were running.
28:25 And come back into this, so we're running through our 60 kPa so we know essentially this 60 kPa row is tuned.
28:35 What I'm going to do is use the control key and copy that down.
28:39 And what I'm going to do then is add another 2° to our fuelling.
28:44 For the sake of completeness, in case we overshoot, what I'm going to do is then add another 2° at 100 kPa and basically just copy this trend down until I get to 120 kPa, I'll just copy it out.
28:57 So we'll press F4, store that.
28:59 So essentially we should be pretty close.
29:02 If you are a little nervous about this, there's absolutely nothing wrong with pulling your RPM back down and starting with maybe 5000 RPM range instead of going all the way to 7000.
29:13 Just to speed things up though, I am going to go all the way to 7000, again being more than happy to jump out of the throttle and abort the run if things aren't looking how I want them.
29:21 Before we can do our run of course we need to add that boost so let's have a look at our wastegate table.
29:28 And we don't really have an idea at this stage of what sort of change in duty cycle is going to affect our boost by how much so always a good idea to start with a reasonably small increase.
29:40 So 15 to 20%, I'm going to go with 20 here.
29:45 Word of warning here with boost control systems, depending on how the ECU works, you'll find that between 0 and maybe 10 to 15%, you might not see any real change in the boost so you need to get sort of inside the working range of the solenoid before it will actually show a result.
30:02 So let's try 20, get another run underway and see what that gives us.
30:22 Alright, our next run complete there and everything looked pretty good.
30:26 We saw a nice but moderate increase in our boost pressure which is exactly what we want.
30:30 We don't really want to be making massive jumps, we just want to creep ahead into that table so that if our trends aren't quite right, we're not going to overshoot and end up with a tune that's really really wrong.
30:42 Looking at our fuelling, you can see that we went a little bit richer which is what we'd expect.
30:46 For the most part, we're sitting around that reference line of 0.80.
30:50 What we do see is it creeps up and goes a little learner in the top end, wasn't too worried about that at the time but just definitely something that we would want to monitor.
30:58 So what we will do is save that and we will call that T7, let's have a look and see exactly what we got.
31:06 So we see our nice increase in boost over here and everything's looking pretty good.
31:11 In the top end here if we look at our lambda, we're around about 0.82, for the most part through here, 0.80.
31:18 And let's get rid of our other two runs that don't matter just so that we're not making this messier than it needs to be.
31:26 Jump into our laptop software and have a look at our logging.
31:29 And again we'll just expand this out so we've got a little bit more detail.
31:34 So looking at our lambda target, actually pretty good here.
31:38 Looks like we are targeting for the most part, 0.82 so if anything, looking at our plot there, we're probably a little bit richer through that mid range than we needed to be.
31:47 Whether we want to do anything about that's really up to the individual.
31:53 I'm pretty happy with it at 0.80 but 4500 RPM, through to maybe 5500 RPM, we could pull out a couple of percent.
32:03 So for the sake of completeness, let's do that.
32:06 And what we'll do is we'll just make sure that we are in that range.
32:09 We are also just pretty much on our target of 180 kPa which, as you'll remember is what I was aiming for and I swear I'm not cheating here, that was just good luck not good management.
32:22 So 4500 through to 5500 here and I'm going to make this change out above as well.
32:28 So what we'll do is we'll just remove 0.98 would be 2%, I'm going to actually make 1.5%, I'm just going to undershoot a little bit and we'll store that change.
32:41 Alright so our fuelling should be pretty good.
32:44 Let's swap over to our ignition timing and again we'd safed up our timing at 180 kPa, now that we know we're running through 180, let's see what we can do about that.
32:53 So what we'll do is we'll try +2, we'll creep 2° in here.
32:59 Obviously again monitoring for knock, let's get another run on the board and see if that additional 2° has helped us.
33:22 So again in real time during that run, we could see that the additional 2° did give us a small boost in our power.
33:29 Not a massive change but definitely a change nonetheless.
33:33 Fuelling's now looking pretty good, let's just save that so we can analyse it in a little bit more detail, we'll call that T8.
33:40 And we can see overlaid with our last run, we've basically made a little bit more power and torque everywhere.
33:49 Our fuelling's kind of done exactly what we expected, I've leaned it out a little bit through that mid range and I'm pretty confortable with where we're at with that.
33:57 So because we have picked up torque and power there with that additional 2°, we've got no knock occurring, obviously the next step would be to add an additional 2°.
34:06 Again, I'm aiming for a safe calibration here, I do not want to be pushing this engine to its limits.
34:13 So given that that was such a small increase in torque and power for that 2°, I know that we're probably getting very close to MBT timing anyway so I'm actually going to leave that where we are and instead we'll step up to our next boost setting.
34:29 So in order to increase our boost, let's head back to our wastegate duty cycle table here and we added 20% everywhere and that gave us a jump of about 20 kPa so we can't draw necessarily a correlation that says 20% duty cycle is 20 kPa but probably wasn't a bad place to get started so let's just undershoot a little bit, instead of going from 20 to 40% duty cycle, I'm going to try 35% so that's going to get us a little bit further out into that untuned zone.
35:01 Let's come back to our fuelling, we were at 80 kPa and again we know that we have kind of extrapolated that down so we should be there or there abouts.
35:11 Come to our ignition timing, 180 kPa, we know that we should be very safe.
35:17 We've got a 4° drop as we go from 180 to 200 kPa so let's get another run underway and see what that results in.
35:38 Alright so that's the perfect example of doing exactly what I warned about, we just hit the boost cut because of course we had that set at 200 kPa and we just raised the boost so it's a case of doing what I saw, not necessarily what I do.
35:52 Easy fix though, let's come back into our ECU settings, we'll go to our MAP limit settings.
35:59 And we'll come down to our MAP limit table one and what I'm going to do here is just highlight the entire table out to 100°C and we'll set this for the moment to 250 kPa or 22 psi and we'll store that change, let's repeat that run and see how we get on with a little bit more boost.
36:36 OK so we saw a reasonable jump in our boost there, on the dyno we've hit our 200 kPa, sorry 100 kPa of positive boost target.
36:46 We actually started to see that taper off so unlike our previous runs where we've got a nice flat line, we're now starting to get into the point where that's indicative that we've got a little bit of back press occurring, the turbo's starting to choke things at higher RPM.
36:59 Absolutely to be expected with a factory turbo sizing though so not a big problem.
37:04 Looking at our fuelling, that's tracked our expected target probably pretty well there.
37:09 Obviously now with a bit more boost we are sitting down below that 0.80 reference line.
37:14 Let's just save that though so we can have a look at that a little bit more specifically.
37:20 And again we'll get rid of our previous runs so that we aren't cluttered up here and we can see we are a little bit rich through probably 4500, 0.76, so maybe even a little bit prior to that.
37:35 4000's looking actually pretty good.
37:37 Right through to, 4500 through to about 5500, maybe 6000 RPM we'd want to pull a little bit of fuel out.
37:45 In the top end though, 0.78 so let's have a look and see how that compares to our target so we'll come across to our logging and again just zoom in a little bit.
37:57 So we can see, in the mid range there where we are peaking, in this case the dyno and the ECU don't match but again I'm trusting the ECU, 212 kPa which is about 16 psi through that mid range.
38:13 And we can see that our target for that, 0.785, let's call it 0.79, so we're definitely a little rich.
38:23 In the top end there our boost drops back to 190 kPa so a little bit under 14 psi there.
38:30 And we are targeting 0.80 so everything is a little bit rich there.
38:36 What I'm going to do here is just make some corrections.
38:40 So let's have a look and see what we can do.
38:43 Moving back to our tuning here, so we are now, just go back to our fuelling for a start, we are now interpolating between different cells, we are between 100 and the 120 kPa.
38:56 So 4500 and up to 5500, what I'm going to do there is pull out a little bit of fuel, let's again just check what we actually had.
39:06 We had 0.75 and 0.78, 0.79 so we're around about 4% rich there so multiply that by 0.96, that should get us pretty close.
39:16 Going to take a percent and a half out here at 4000 RPM, we'll make that 0.985.
39:22 And then let's get back and have a look at what we've got here, if we come up to 6000 RPM, we're 0.77 and let's have a look at our target.
39:38 6000 RPM, we're around about 0.79 so 2, 2.5%, can pretty much follow that through to the end of the run.
39:50 So let's do exactly that.
39:53 What I'll do is make that change of 0.98.
39:57 Which of course is 2%, store that change.
40:00 Now I'm going to get a little bit ahead of myself here, I would recommend doing one change at a time but the fuel and the ignition really work independently of each other so just to speed the process up a little bit, what I'm going to do as well, because we didn't have any knock, is I'm going to highlight the 200 kPa row, +2° into that and we'll store that change.
40:23 Let's get another run underway and see how that's worked out.
40:44 Alright so first of all, our fuelling now looks much better, possibly still a touch on the rich side but definitely closer to the ballpark.
40:51 If you were watching the run overlay with the previous one you'd have seen that we did pick up a very small amount of power with that additional 2° of timing but it was very very minor, almost irrelevant and the other element is that if we come back into our laptop software here, through that mid range, around about 4500 and 5000 RPM, I did have some very light knock, not enough that I was worried about stopping but definitely enough that I am going to pull that additional timing that we added in there straight back out and now what I'm going to do though is also copy that trend down so we're going to highlight, actually I'm going to start down here, I'm going to highlight the 260 kPa and above and we'll start by pulling 2° out.
41:34 And then 2° and then another 4°.
41:39 I've gone a little bit more excessive at 260 kPa because we absolutely should not be there.
41:43 So we're sort of falling off a cliff in terms of our timing and that's a bit of a safeguard.
41:47 Let's just save that particular run and that'll give us a chance just to analyse the air/fuel ratio a little bit more, so we'll call that T10 for tune 10 and again we'll get rid of the previous run.
42:02 Looking at our fuelling now, 0.78, 0.79, I'm pretty happy with that.
42:08 I'm definitely going to just leave that how it is.
42:12 So we've got one more change that we want to do which is of course to add some more boost.
42:17 So we want to try and get up around about maybe 18 to 20 psi peak, as long as we're still seeing gains in our power and torque as a result.
42:27 So let's come back to our wastegate duty cycle map.
42:32 And you'll recall that we added 15% this time, we actually saw quite an increase.
42:37 What I want to do this time is go a little bit further but I'm also going to try and hold that boost a little bit higher in the upper region, upper rev range so if we have a look here at our logging.
42:54 Sort of get a sense of what's going on here, so we see that we're peaking at 210 kPa and we're dropping away to around about 190 kPa, 7000 RPM so peak boost is at about 4600, 4700 RPM.
43:10 What we're going to do here is at 7000 RPM, we're going to add 5% so we'll call that 40 and we'll copy that out and then all I'm going to do here is I'm going to just do the horizontal interpolation between that and 4500 RPM.
43:26 It might not be quite right but the aim here is to just try and hold that boost curve a little bit flatter rather than letting it drop back off.
43:33 But at the same time, and again I am sort of combining tasks here, normally I'd test that one change but just to speed up the process here for our worked example, what we're going to do is try adding 10 to our duty cycle table, the entire duty cycle table.
43:49 So what's put a little bit of shape into it, if we have a look at it graphically, let's just get ourselves centred, we can see that that's got a little bit of shape to the table now.
43:59 Let's get another run underway and see what our results are.
44:03 Just given the fact that I did have that light knock, that's an indication to me that I'm going to have to be really really mindful of listening to this engine as I continue to increase the boost.
44:12 And we may get into a situation where as we add boost, engine becomes more and more knock prone and I actually have to pull timing out and we go around in circles.
44:20 When I get to that point, that's an indication that for the given fuel and combination, we're really at the limit and adding more boost is not making more power, it's just adding more heat and stress.
44:30 Let's get another run underway anyhow.
44:50 Alright so looking at the results of our last run we can see we have picked up a little bit of power, 286 horsepower at the wheels now.
44:57 What we saw as that run progressed though, as the overlay with the last run was completed, we picked up a reasonable amount of mid range but towards the top end, essentially that all disappeared and we basically overlaid directly on top of the last run.
45:13 So let's first of all have a look at the analysis on the dyno and see what we can learn from this.
45:18 So at the moment we're looking at those two runs overlaid and looking on the boost curve, again we'll look at the ECU data in a moment to get a more accurate picture of what's happening.
45:29 We can see that we actually have picked up boost everywhere.
45:32 Hasn't done exactly what I was hoping for in terms of perfectly flattening out that boost curve but we also need to be realistic with what we're expecting here.
45:40 With these factory turbochargers, it's very unlikely that we'll be able to hold a flat boost curve at 18 or 20 psi right the way through, it's just not going to happen so we do need to appreciate that and understand it.
45:53 Now looking at our power specifically, we can see that we've got a reasonable gain right up to about 6500 RPM.
46:00 From 6500 through, that tapers away to essentially nothing.
46:04 Now we need to obviously think or understand why that's the case.
46:08 So first of all, we have got more boost, we can see that on our boost curve on the right and that's going to put us in a different place in our timing and fuel maps.
46:17 Looking at the fuelling, we are richer and probably a little excessively rich, sitting around about 0.75 to 0.76 right the way through there.
46:29 And our target should be 0.78 so that's one thing we will want to correct.
46:33 The other element though is because we've got more boost, we've gone a little bit richer and we've seen no more power, we may simply be getting to a point where we're starting to run out of turbocharger at higher RPM but let's dive into that, we know that we also have a little bit less timing and we also didn't have any noticeable knock as well so we could creep in a little bit of timing there.
46:57 Let's start by just having a look at our data in our laptop And from our log file here we can see that we hit just over 230 kPa so around about 19 psi there and I had said sort of 18 to 20 psi was about where I wanted to be.
47:13 In the top end there, if we look at 7000 RPM, we're down to 204, 205 kPa so about 15 psi or very slightly above which is a little lower than I'd expect.
47:26 Alright so what can we do about this? Well first of all let's go back to our tuning screen and the first thing we want to do is have a look at our timing and we can see here that we are pretty conservative, we have dropped that timing back at 200 kPa and we've got 15° there so the very first thing I'm going to try here is I'm just going to highlight the entire 200 kPa row and I'm going to also highlight the 220 kPa and the 240 kPa 'cause you'll remember that we actually ended up at about 230, 233 kPa and we're going to try adding 2°.
48:05 Now I'm on the fence as to whether this is going to work.
48:08 I feel like while we had no knock, just from my last experience where we had that light knock, we're probably in a situation where we're really really close to the line and this may be enough to push us over but that's the purpose of our testing here, we'll see what actually happens.
48:25 Let's switch across to our fuelling and if we look at where the engine's running and essentially, heading back over to our dyno for a moment, we know that we are rich, little bit rich right the way through but at 5200 here, we're 0.77, let's get rid of our last run so we're only looking at our relevant data.
48:46 0.77, pretty close to our target, I'm not too worried about that.
48:50 Always safer to be a little bit richer anyway but from 5600, let's call it 5500, this is where we go a little bit rich so let's have a look at our datalog in our Link G4X software and see where abouts we were at 5500 RPM.
49:07 So I'll just click through until we find 5500 and we are targeting 0.78 and that's going to actually move as we can see, a little bit leaner as we move through because our boost is dropping so 0.78 to 0.79 but again let's just find 5500 RPM and just get ourselves onto that spot.
49:33 And we'll head back across to our tuning and we can see we are sitting around about 120 kPa and now let's just see where we drop back to.
49:44 By the end of that run, just before we back off, we're sort of skirting between that 100 and 120 kPa zone so what I'm going to do is just highlight 100 kPa and above and I'm going to go all the way through to 8000 RPM.
50:00 We're around about 0.76 so we're about 2% rich so what I'm going to do is multiply that by 0.98 and we're going to store that change.
50:09 Let's do another run now and just see what the effect of this is.
50:13 So we've made two changes here, we've left the boost alone, we've added 2° of timing so we're going to be really mindful of knock and we have leaned out that mixture so we'll just see if we can pick up that power up above 6500 RPM so let's see how that goes.
50:46 OK so our run complete there and we actually got a nice improvement there, we actually saw that the boost was slightly higher than our last run, particularly through the mid range so that will have also affected our results but let's dive into this in a little bit more detail and analyse those results.
51:01 OK if we start by checking our boost here, the blue run which is our current run, we can see that we do have a little bit more boost than our purple run.
51:08 Remembering here that we are running open loop control so the ECU isn't trying to chase a target here, so it's not uncommon to see some minor fluctuations run to run depending on our specific temperatures etc so that has been probably one of the drivers behind this increase in power which we can see here, we've essentially made more power all the way from 4500 RPM which is where we reached peak boost, right the way through.
51:35 Looking at our fuelling here, we can see that for the most part we're tracking our target of 0.78.
51:43 We did lean ourselves out a little bit here but actually still for the most part a little bit richer than our target, 0.76, maybe 0.77 in the top end so still maybe 1-2% richer than our target, particularly from this point here, about 6000 RPM and above.
52:04 Let's have a better look into this in our logging in our laptop software.
52:09 And we can see here our peak boost, 235, 236 kPa, so probably about as far as I'll go with that.
52:19 In the top end we're still dropping down to around about 16 psi, 206 kPa.
52:26 Everything is looking pretty good here.
52:28 So at this point we're going to finish off with our worked example.
52:32 This is an iterative process.
52:34 We of course can spend more time if we desire tweaking our boost curve and really fine tuning everything.
52:42 However, at this stage, I've got a calibration in the ECU that I'm happy with, we're making the target power, we've got our target boost pressure and most importantly here for a competition car, I have got what I'd consider to be a conservative tune.
52:58 We're not chasing every last horsepower here with timing, we're not chasing every last horsepower with boost and we have got what is a conservative boost curve.
53:07 So from here, we're going to remove the car from the dyno and we can then confirm the tune out on the road or the racetrack and essentially make sure everything we see here on the dyno under wide open throttle conditions, is stacking up in the real world and just as importantly, it'll give us the opportunity to test some of those light throttle cruise areas of the map and make sure that the areas that maybe we couldn't quite get to inside of the dyno work, are actually where they need to be.
53:34 Now we are not going to have the opportunity unfortunately with this car because it is on loan to us, to complete step 10 of the process which is that confirmation on the road or racetrack, or at least we will not have the opportunity to film that.
53:49 However if you want a little bit of insight into how that's handled, feel free to check out some of our other worked examples or the body of the course.
53:59 As usual, if you do have any questions on this worked example, please feel free to ask them in the forum and I'll be happy to answer them there.

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