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Building Boost on 2 step - motorcycle

Boost Control

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I have been making progress in getting boost built on 2 step but still not quite where I would like to be, especially at higher elevation tracks or bad air days. I have a 10lb spring and 2psi CO2 on top, using timing retard map and between 30-55% fuel enrichment. Good air I can reach my 12psi goal fairly easily, but poor air the engine either isn't happy to stay at 2-step desired RPM not allowing for the boost to come up, or simply build 5-6psi boost.

This is a turbo methanol set up with a slider clutch, so I don't have the option to 3 step at a higher RPM and drop to 2-step or the bike will leave.

Though I have made improvements any input would be appreciated as I would like to be able to build more than I need and adjust the gate to desired launch Boost.

I initially tried set up with set timing number and fuel enrichment but it would only be happy with those settings up to a certain boost. Anything more aggressive the engine would loose RPM and not build as much. After that I used the 2 step timing table and input similar values as my competitors Maxx ECU(manually from log) that builds boost quick and easy to whatever he desires. Was able to build 12psi at that race and was happy. When I went to bad air track I could only build 6psi.

This is with a Fuel Tech FT550, Xona turbo, Tail 44mm gate, 1340cc hayabusa.

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