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Boost Control

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Discussion and questions related to the course Boost Control

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so sorry Andre, but I guess I have to be straight up. When I started boost control course, I thought it will be easy peasy. Understood everything pid etc.

but I am attaching a video, see if you can help me step by step. I don’t mind if it take a long time. If you think the Bmw ecu has no scope, please refund.

No point wasting time here. I have been riding waves, watching your course, thinking ohh, that’s great. Very well explained. When I open Bmw ecu. I don’t understand a thing. Have a look and see if you can help out in bossy control. Video attached

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A lot of factory ECUs are much more complex in aspects such as boost control compared to the likes of a standalone. However if the engine is relatively standard then the existing boost control strategy should provide accurate boost based off the target that's set. In this way you can usually get the results you want by manipulating the boost target tables and the base duty tables. Often you won't need to touch the PID values unless you're fitting a different turbo. You can usually log the actual wastegate duty so you can compare that to the base duty values and manipulate the tables from there.

Thanks, when I log I see the boost I higher in mid range rpm. Is this optimal? Or should boost be high at top rpm. Do you want to have a look at the log?

Also, it’s a high compression ratio motor. Do you reckon any ignition timings retard would benifit? There has been no knock caught by the sensor up until now.

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