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What going on with my Desire boost?

Boost Control

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I use HP tuners tune my 2019 cadillac ATSL,It’s e80a ecm,The desire boost can maintain at 250kpa when the manifold temp is under 55 °C,I already disable the cot and turbo overtemp,set the all the boost limit to 250kpa,So is the manifold temp cause my desire boost drop?How can I keep my Desire boost in higher manifold temp?I will be appreciated of any help,I will post tune file later,Thanks

your english so poor..nobody knows what you are saying bro.

Sorry for my poor english,what I mean is my boost target drop when the manifold temp reach 55 °C.desired boost is the channel of boost target in HPTUNERS

I put my log below.Thanks

Attached Files

There is probably some table not decoded / defined by HP Tuners for your ECU.

However, you might investigate if the table "Engine->Torque Management->Supercharger->Boost Limits->Inlet Temp Airmass could be the cause.

That said, that seems like a reasonable intake temperature to consider increasing the cooling (extra fuel), or decreasing the boost to prevent detonation. What fuel are you using that can tolerate 55c intake temps?

Thanks for your reply,I think you are right.I already ask support from the HPTUNERS guys,Hope they can help me solve this problem.

My stock intercooler can’t decrease air temp below 50 when the intake air temp increases,So I use the best gasoline I can get in my city,It probably not as good as 93 octane gasoline in the USA.

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