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CANBus Communications Decoded

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Discussion and questions related to the course CAN Bus Communications Decoded

= Resolved threads


Does anybody know of a good TMPS receiver that works on a CAN Bus network that is programmable?

I have universal programmable TPMS sensors I just need a good name brand receiver that I can add to my jeeps network, also where I can source one. Thanks

Matt at trailbrake.net has a few options. certainly worth noting.

When I was looking for TPMS/TTS trailbrake.net was where I kept ending up, based on other people's setups. No experience with it, but seems to work.

Does anyone have the dbc file for this device and motec c1212 (or any other motec). the only one i come up with is for aim but i cant make it work. also the guy from trailbrake.net refuses to send it to me for some reason :( .

thank you!

did you purchase the kit from Matt at trailbrake?

if so, comment below about it and i can get you situated most likely.

I want to position a very big disclaimer about the cheaper tpms kit on the market, the same physical box has at least 3 different protocols written to it from the manufacturer.. which Makes it somewhat challenging to solve. Haltech has their own protocol, there was 2 other protocols also defined.

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