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CANBus Communications Decoded

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Discussion and questions related to the course CAN Bus Communications Decoded

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Hello I have a 350z and the abs/wheel speed sensor and tach and ac &couple other things are run on canbus system and have a aem infinity ecu 8 .. anyone know how to write a firmware how to set up ecu to read 350z canbus? I know there a infinity ecu built for the 350z but I don’t have that one

hello the can file may be available direct from Aem if you give them an email, I know other manufactures of ecus do this

Regards Ross

Tried aem they said they don’t make one and not interested in making one

You cant "write a firmware" for an Infinity. You are probably better using an interface box like this: https://www.wiringspecialties.com/350z-g35-aem-ecu-canbus-module/

I do have that box but when I spoke to WS they said the wheel speed sensor wont work cause the box can’t keep up with it when it spins or sonthing like that ..

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