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Question has incorrect answer wording

CANBus Communications Decoded

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Discussion and questions related to the course CAN Bus Communications Decoded

= Resolved threads


Just joined and working through the modules, answering the questions in between. There's a question - what is the primary difference between decimal and hex. None of the answer are correct, but the one it's looking for has the details reversed for decimal and hex. Doesn't inspire confidence in the course content when it gets to the parts I've come here to learn about ...

Hello Jon,

So sorry about this. I have had this fix on my to-do list for a couple of weeks. I just finished it because of you, so thank you for the reminder.

The quizzes are relatively new, and we are still incorporating them. It is a bit of a balance of making them challenging, but not too boring/simple. And we unfortunately are still only human (and not machine enough!), so these errors happen.

Thank you again,


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