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Replacing factory ECU with Syvecs

CANBus Communications Decoded

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Just a thought if its possible and what tools and knowladge needed.

I have Audi S5 4.2FSI Turbo build with Oem ECU. It would be great to replace it with Syvecs. But i want that rest of the car will be working, such as ABS, instrument cluster, HVAC and so on.

Maybie somebody has experiance with it, and can get some insights where to start?

what tools is needed? Can sniffers? Syvecs has its own can sniffer, but is it enough?

I just watched HP academy course about CAN. It gave good understanding about it. But still need some advices or thoughts from people with experiance.

I'd start by sniffing a stock vehicle. See how many CAN busses there are, how much traffic is present, which devices are using the data, and that will start to give you a picture of how big a task it may be.

As i understand. I need to decode only PIDs that are sent from engine ecu, so other modules can recive data? Is it a good idea to disconect oem ecu from can network and listen only for ecu sent PIDs? This will make job much easyer

I dont think you would be able to duplicate the OEM messages with a GP Syvecs on your own, not even enough to make the bare minimum basics such as the tacho work. It only has very basic configurability of the CAN stream content, I dont think you can change the scaling, bit width, endianness, no ability to generate bitflags etc.

I believe for most of their plug-in applications the OEM CAN is all done by a separate "factory coded" micro controller inside the box that translates the Syvecs CAN into the OEM format. They did talk about potentially giving dealers the ability to write custom code on that micro several years ago when the S7 came out but I dont know if that ever eventuated.

It would be worth talking to them however, the already do several VAG plug-in ECU's so there is a possibility that one of their existing Audi plug-ins would work in your car.

I will write them email. But first i want to learn more about can networks and do somthing myself. Btw syvecs is just an option, maybie there is other ecus capable of this. Syvecs is first option becouse our tunner has experience with it

ultimately every system I've found is limited by its capabilities(I'll even include m1 build in this category, because it's still been proven to be processing resource limited where systems aren't ideally controlled the way someone would like)

i built a 3 channel CAN Gateway to mitigate and offload as many of these issues as i could.

one of the biggest obstacles faced is CRC checks (and other message validation equations) embedded in the CAN data packet from the newer or more advanced vehicles.

if you have ADAS related features, the likelihood of them operating as intended is quite low as they are a pretty big challenge.

ultimately your current question is a loaded statement until you objectively understand the vehicles networking needs and dependencies.

It is an "old" car. and i think it should be less complicated. there is not so much ADAS or other features. main purpose of the car is drag racing, but my plan is to keep some oem ECU's and features like ABS, OEM transmission ECU, HVAC, maybie some of multimedia. Main reason of this conversion is to have full controll of engine, because its turbo charged, and i want to make dual injection DI and port injection. and i have installed and coded zf 8hp transmission with OEM trans ECU. This car doesnt had this trans from factory, OEM ecu works perfect with it and i had vary bad experience with aftermarket trans ECU's. so the plan is something like this, but after watching CAN bus courses of HP academy i have little knowlege of how it could be done. I see you have knowledge in this, maybie if you have time we can chat in private, and you can guide what is possible to do with this project, what could be next steps to making it and so on...

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