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Throttle pedal CAN

CANBus Communications Decoded

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Discussion and questions related to the course CAN Bus Communications Decoded

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I have a throttle pedal off a 2021 Peugeot 2008. I has 2 twisted pairs and a white and green wire. Is this a CAN pedal ? If so, to can play with it :

What voltage does it run on ?

Does any one know what the green and white wires are used for ?

Unlikely to be CAN, but you might be able to find out from a factory workshop manual. Usually these have wiring diagrams with enough hints to figure out how something is connected.

Fair to say that its probably a standard pedal assembly with redundancy if its 6 wires, so: 2 5V, 2 Ref grounds, 2 signal.

The fact that there are a white and green wire is more than likely a coincidence that it shares with CAN hi/lo, not indicative of it being a CAN device.

I have never seen a manufacturer go to the trouble of twisting wires for no good reason.

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In all of the OEM vehicle looms that I have worked on, I have never seen any standard wire colour specification. Even vehicles from the same manufacturer will use different wire colours for the same functions depending on the model.

I bet they are twisting the signal and ground together for each pot. But it could be power & ground. Does your ohm-meter give you a clue?

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