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2d vs 3d Injector dead time operation

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

Relevant Module: Fuel Injectors > 2d vs 3d Injector Deadtime Compensation

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Hi, how to do this with GDI injectors where the pressure is higher? We just have to take in account the pressure of the low pressure fuel pump right? Returnless fuel system

Because a DI injector is not as effected by variances in Battery Voltage compared to a Port injector, due to the DI drivers generating a higher voltage than supplied by the Battery, you can use a single value (or 0 if you want) for the dead time of the injector.

The actual dead times for most DI Injectors are sub 10ms compared to port injectors that can be over 2000ms for low voltage/high pressure operations.

When you tune the engine, any variance in the opening times based on the pressure in the rail is typically dealt with in the fuel map. My personal experience is that a single dead time will work, and that changing the delivered pressure for a set load point does not need retuning of the fueling to maintain Lambda Aim.

The low pressure being delivered to the HP pump has no effect on the output pressure, as long as it keeps up the supply to the pump.

microseconds (us), not milliseconds (ms).

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