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Hertz vs time and data logging

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Startgoing over fundamental wavesform topic and I know data logging wasn't mentioned yet but when it comes to talking about stand alone ecu and manufacturer always refer to hertz. So is it basically stating that a 200hz ecu datalogger can record information quicker than say a 100hz ecu datalogger? I thinking this be 200hz = 5ms vs 100hz = 10ms. So is datalogger basically able to record something as fast a 5ms (200hz), that the 10ms (100hz) couldn't?

Yes, the 200Hz 'logger will make a log entry every 5mS, the 100Hz will be limited to doing so every 10mS.

Depending on what you wish to log, it's common practice to have different rates for different things to simplify things and, for smaller capacity loggers, extend their logging time. For example, you may decide on 1Hz for coolant temperature, but use the highest rate on the fuel pressure when chasing a problem like fuelling map irregularities.

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