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HPA 10 step process

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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From what I understand, if we follow the 10 step process for any tuning job we should have a complete and proper tune.

I have a question with regard to knock detection and closed loop knock control. I noticed in the 10 step process you did not specifically highlight this as an area to address on a tuning project. My question is it good practice to simply tune the engine and keep it away from knock using quality knock detection equipment and basically leave it as is after this?

Logically thinking, there might be instances when the car may be driven very hard for longer periods than when we tuned it on the dyno, is that fair to say?

In terms of compensation tables, do you find it sufficient to only tune an acceleration enrichment and IAT compensation table ?

The 10 step process is the fundamentals or basics of tuning any engine. Beyond this though we may have other aspects that need to be setup and configured depending on the engine - For example variable cam control, boost control or knock control.

If we have these features then I'd advise using them. Setting up knock control is something we have already covered in a webinar so I'd have a look there to start with - https://www.hpacademy.com/previous-webinars/motec-m1-knock-control-example/

While tuning the engine with audio knock detection equipment and ensuring safety is the best place to start, as you mention, it's possible that the conditions the engine undergoes on the road or track may differ or be harsher from what the engine saw on the dyno and this may result in knock. The knock control system, once correctly configured, is a nice safeguard against this happening.

Thanks for the response Andre, I'll have a look at that webinar.

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