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Injector Pulse Width

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

Relevant Module: Fuel Injectors > Injector Deadtime

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"One aspect that isn't always obvious is that inaccuracies in dead time compensation will be most apparent at idle and low load when the injector pulsewidth is shortest." I understand the main idea here about dead time compensation. However, I find myself confused when he said that injector pulsewidth is shortest at idle and low load. Isn't injector pulsewidth the time between on and off of the injector? So it must be the shortest at high RPMs, no?

The higer the RPM the less time you have between cycles as valves open and close faster. Engine load at high RPM usually is also high so you need to get a lot of fuel to match air delivery and it's done by keeping fuel injectors open long time during short cycles. At idle engine consumes small amout of air and you don't need too much fuel so injectors are open just a very short period of time making injectors pulse width very short.

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