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EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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So if you doing a steady state with the ign timing without a knock box etc and you start to hear some knock pull out 4 degrees of timing?

That depends on the engine, the initial tune, and the fuel being used.

As an example if someone else has done an initial tune using e85 (100-105 octane) or LPG (104 octane in Australia) and then your checking it while running standard unleaded (91 octane in Australia but 87 in other countries) you will be wanting to pull out way more than 4 degrees.

As another example if I hear knock I pull out 2 degrees at a time till the knock is gone and then another degree for safety sake but this method is changing now I have done this course because I know knock occurs well before we can hear it without knock detection equipment. I remember when Ford Australia reintroduced the V8 into the EB Falcon range (about 1992-3) some engines were audible when driving after they had aged and had some kms put on them. The "fix" was to pull the dizzy out and rework the advance (yes it still had mechanical advance even though it ran an EEC-V ECU) to pull out something like 6 degrees in 1 go.

Thank you for replying. The motor is a 12v vr6 big cam 11:1 cr wiseco pistons. I am based in the states and we have 93 octane with 10% e85 in it. The knock box etc is a lot of money for me to tune my own car. If it was something that I would do everyday I would consider buy it, since it will be paying for itself in the long run. Just wondering if there is a cheaper way to detect knock before advancing.

Unfortunately I don't consider knock detection equipment to be optional. You're right that it can represent quite a lot of money, however it will be a lot cheaper than rebuilding an engine because the pistons are damaged from detonation.

For anyone who wants to tune cars, either professionally or as a hobbyist, I believe that a quality wideband meter and knock detection equipment are essentials.


Andre can you please post the link to which knock detection kit to get please?

The knock detection equipment I personally use is the Plex Knock Monitor V2 - http://www.plex-tuning.com/products/plex-knock-monitor-v2-0-new

I previously used the Link G4 Knock Block with good results however it is out of production for the time being.

Other members on here have also used the Phormula Knock Monitor product with good results- http://www.phormula.com

Thanks Andre

wow the phormula looks almost affordable for the hobbyist (I consider myself).

might have to keep an eye out.

are there any plans to create a for sale section André? just thought it would be rare but from time to time professionals may upgrade thus giving newbies access to cheaper good equipment?

That's actually a pretty great idea. When time allows we will just add a sub forum for buy/sell/swap. This would be second hand only though and not a platform for retail sale.

We usually reply within 12hrs (often sooner)

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