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Knock sound

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Hi all,

I am hoping to get some advice on knock detection. I own a knockblock and struggling to hear knock sound.

Link ECU is showing knock but either I am def or unable to hear the knock unless I introduce significant knock. my engine is e36 which has two standard knock sensors mounted on block close to top of the block( standard location)

I then have two knock sensors from link knockblock kit, one mounted closed to top of block in front of the engine ( cylinder 1-3) and other one is close to oil dip stick / mid of the block close to cylinder 3-6 but still unable to hear it unless I introduce crazy knock.

i used noise cancelling headphone which were uselsss so I ended up with simple cheap headphone and could hear it much better but still unable to detect low knock. is it because e36 engine is one of the difficult engines to hear knock on ?

when using knockblock, I have tried playing with adjutment knob to lower volume ( if that is what it is called) to see if it is easier to filter engine noise from knock and it wasn't so I increased the volume and could hear slightly better.

i am quite frustrated and hoping to get advice as engine is NA so chance of melting piston is smaller but soon turbo charging and want to avoid cooking the engine.

Do your earbuds have a 3pole TRS plug - not TRRS? I suspect it will be pretty difficult to even make that engine knock in NA form - it will likely need at least 50 deg advance.

They have 2 lines yes like the picture below


Re knock, I had to put advance to around 55 degree in 3k rpm full load to just about hear but even then wasn't sure.

From online research I shouldn't use TRRS headphones right?

Most headphones with TRRS plugs will give either low volume or will inject external noise via the microphone circuit when used with the knockblock that uses a standard TRS socket. So I always strongly suggest something that is natively TRS/stereo plug (not something that uses an adapter or claims to be suitable for both TRS and TRRS etc) and generally I have found just very cheap consumer-level ones like you would get from kmart or similar to work well.

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