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EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Good day,

Kindly, someone can assist me to find the information of Ref & Sync setup in Motec hundred series for Toyota Land cruiser 1FZ-FE engine and Nissan Patrol TB48 engine. I really get stuck here.

I'm very upset of technical support of Motec and this is not the first time I complain with them about supporting and servicing :(Regards,

The Nissan TB48 should use the Nissan 360 Optical Sensor which should be using the Ref Sync Mode 10 with Hall sensors and rising edges on both the ref and sync. The number of teeth is 180 and you will need to adjust the CRiP to achieve the correct ignition timing with a timing light. Start with 60 and adjust from there as necessary.

The Toyota 1FZ isn't an engine I've personally dealt with. My quick research suggests that it uses a 36-2 trigger wheel with a reluctor pickup which is a standard ref/sync option in the MoTeC. - Mode 7 looks for 2 missing teeth twice per engine cycle which is what the ECU will see with a crank mounted 36-2 trigger. For a reluctor input the trigger edge would normally be falling and you will need to adjust your mag sensor levels to achieve good triggering. You can use the scope function to help visualise the waveforms and see the peak amplitude vs rpm.

If you have no cam input on the 1FZ then you can use mode 8 and run waste spark. Here's a link to a thread on MoTeC's forum covering it: https://www.motec.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1397&p=6348&hilit=1fz#p6348

Now it's clear.

Thank you very much Andre for your immediate response.

i try both mode and the 1fzfe still not start i need help in this issue


i have 1fzfe i will run motec m600 and cdi8 with 6 msd hvc2 coil what is the setup for the coil and trigger

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