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Stand alone knock sensor

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Knock sensor is a must for every engine ignition tuning map. Unfortunately some time there are engines, like my 2022 Yamaha MT-09 that are not equipped with knock sensor.

My question is: Is there any reliable manufacturer that can offer a stand alone kit that may work with tuning software?

For example I am thinking of buying the Australian Woolich Racing software and hardware to flash my Bike ECU

Typically a tuner would be using an audio based device if the engine is knock limited, some examples; Plex knock monitor, Link KnockBloock, The Knock Box, Tuner Nerd, Phormula.

However, there is a reason most sportbikes don't have a knock sensor - the primary drive, spur gear transmission, and a multi-plate clutch all sitting in the common crankcase make so much mechanical noise that knock detection is near impossible - even with a good knock system attached to an experienced human ear.

Thank you for the information.

I understand that I need to be careful with the ignition map.

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