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Tune with lambda

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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hi , i want to use lambda instead of afr .can we tune a car when the ecu supports lambda numbers , but our aem wideband just reads in afr . is it possible to just use the aem 02 sensor for reading lambda for ecu and ignoring the wideband ? or we need to install a lambda kit ?

sorry for my complex question.

tnx in advance

As far as i remember AEM gauge has two interchangeable dashes - one for AFR and the second one for lambda.

TNX man , but i couldn't find any instructions yet .

If you have a AEM X-Series Wideband (PN 30-0300), you can easily change the display from AFR to Lambda in the menu with the buttons. Here are the instructions for the X-Series Wideband Gauge (look at page 4) : https://www.aemelectronics.com/files/instructions/30-0300.pdf

If you have an older one (PN 30-4100 or PN 30-4110), you can change the numeric display using a screw behind the gauge. You have to put it to "P1" for Lambda, using the screw. Note that the PN 30-4100 is a bit different, you can change the numeric display but you can't change the faceplate. But it's the same instructions to change the numeric display as the 30-4110. Here are the instructions for the older gauge (Look at page 11 and 12) : https://www.aemelectronics.com/files/instructions/30-4110%20Digital%20Wideband%20UEGO%20Gauge.pdf

Regardless of what the gauge indicate, it always measure in Lambda values. So with the 0-5 analog output, you can display Lambda in your ECU/Logger without changing the display on your gauge.

Hope it helps,


oh , tnxxxx alot Frank , finally I got my answer.

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