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Ecumaster black h-bridge outputs

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Hello guys,

I have now on the car a ecumaster classic with this configuration:

3 wire WPM idle actuator:

- idling is connected to stepper motor #1a

- second wire of the idling stepper motor #1b

outputs managed by stepper motor outputs:

- a/c anablement relay stepper motor #2b

- vtec relay stepper motor #1b

how to make it working on ecumaster black using the hbridge outputs? (aux are all already used for other things)

is completely not clear to me how they work.

thank you very much


this is quite relevant, though the Classic's software functions a bit differently. Which version firmware can make a difference.

As for the wiring, the H bridge's have the ability to send 12V or ground path unlike the Aux outputs which only do ground. When using the H bridge's as PWM outputs they only do ground (also called low side), there is a handful of ways to make them send 12V but they are meant for DBW throttles and stepper motors.

I'll assume the PWM output is on 1A and 1B the other's are 2A and 2B (assuming thats a typo)

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