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GM LS Injectors - Constant power OK?

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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Hello all, I am currently swapping an LS (L33 Vortec to be exact) engine in to my Yukon. I am wiring up the harness to the factory underhood fuse box and have a fused +12V constant power source that would be very convenient to use to power my Fuel Injectors.

From the factory the Injectors for the L33 engine were on an ignition switched power source.

I know many manufacturers run +12V constant to the injectors. I am curious if anyone knows if this would be OK on this GM LS engine?


Hello i would certainly be using them with a 12v switched supply to avoid back feed to the ecu when the engine is switched off

Regards Ross

Thank you Ross for taking the time to answer my question. That is what I will do!

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