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EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Hey Everybody,

Long Tim lurker here. I am in the process of a building a jumper harness and doing some labels would be good. I know the trusty Dymo 4200 is the go to, but I seem to be having a hard time to finding them available; however the DYMO 5200 seems to pop up everywhere

Some posts I found from 2018 gave high praises to the 4200, is the 5200 the bar none replacement ?

Thanks in advance

Hello Phil,

They are two different models that take the same cartridges. The 4200 has a QWERTY keyboard while the 5200 has a slightly larger screen. the 4200 has 25 pre-sets and the 5200 has 100. The 4200 is cheaper and the much better value of the two... it also prints 50% faster.

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