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I need Help for Language barrier when building harness.

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Hello car people.

I have been restoring cars for 10 years+ i have fixing, welded redone wires all these years from small japanese cars to big V8. but now im touching Aftermarked ECU for the first time.

i have taking every Related course here in HPAcademy, i have browsed the forums. but it seems for me its a barrier for me when it comes to terms people use.

as norwegian i have learned english and talked english for 20 years, but there are things when comes to cars that etc people in usa use that we in norway dont use.

example here is in usa they say live wire, hot wire etc etc but in norway we just say "+" (which means positive). things like this make it harder for me to understand what im suppose to do.

as a example, when i fix a volvo with EFI, i just check the pinouts on the ecu and im able to know what to do. so im not new with the EFI world. its just when im now first gonna make my own harnes for my first drifting car and first time aftermarked ECU. thinks takes a step back.


even tho, im not saying im good or anything, just that i have a bare minimum knowledge.


now im making a bmw 7 series driftcar, with a v8 bmw m60s30 engine.

we gonna use a Ecumaster Black.

the pinouts for the ecu to get power is easy enough. pin 13 is battery, pin 28 is ecu ground and pin 18 is ignition +12v.

and already here comes i small question.

1. there is alot of talks using the engine head for earth point or star branching or some terms like that.

in a v8 applications, does it matter if you collect all the earth points on one head, or should i equally have one earth points on each banks. because the sensors, coils and other applications will be seperated on each banks.

2. the manual for the ecumaster is 207 pages long. and there is alot of informations to swallow. but i still havent seen a direct answer for what fuse to give the ecu. do you have to use math for every sensor,, outputs etc to add up for what the fuse size for the ecu, do you use relay on the ecu?

what i have found by googling is that in the other manufacturer like "link ecu" manual they want to connect ecu +12 battery pinout dirrectly to battery with only 15ah fuse in between. so im little stuck here.

and yes, i know that 1 relay extra for safety measure is never wrong.

3. what is the different between power ground and sensor ground?

so, some sensors need 5+ voltage. so if not my language barrer is in fault. these should have the power ground as there is a current flowing through.

while sensor grounds are for sensors without +5 voltage?

and lets say i have 6 sensors i wanna use for this build.

the ecu master have 3 power pinouts and 3 sensor grounds.

should i even out the sensors by the wires? meaning. 2 sensors for each pin out, or can i add 3 sensor to two sensor ground, so i have 1 last pinout if i need to add later.

how many ground wires can i splice? can i add all 6 sensor to one ground?

should these splices also be closest to the ecu?

I personaly feal the grounding is the most difficult when comes to harness.

4. i still havent found out what AUX even is


so sorry if it sounds like i know nothing about cars or electronics but this is a new world for me, and some of the language and terms bother me, so even tho i take these courses and read forums and manuals. its hard for me to start this loom adventure.

i still have the original bmw ecu and harness, so i can make 1 to 1 copy of the wires. but i would rather learn what everthing actualy does.


so to the engine itself.

bmw V8 engine m60s30

i will keep it without turbo.

the applications it have is then:

8 coil on plugs without amplifier.


crank sensor

air temp cencor

water temp sensor


there is also a cam trigger sensor on this engine, but not sure if i need it, as other people drop that.


for people wondering why i ask for help.

im so used writing in english at phone app like instagram to other car people that i keep forgetting what car parts is on my own language, im not even kidding. Piston is a car part i keep forgetting in norwegian.

while writing the last poaragraph i also had to google what "veiv" is on english, and found out it was crank.

im not bad in english, but as im speaking 5 lanuages. i have ahard time learning new things like the Harness for ECU, thats why i ask for help.


if anyone could help me clear things up and maby give me ideas for spread sheets, diagram etc etc, it would be a big help.

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It's not just you - I've been an "english" speaker all my life and there are still things that catch me out between different countries' variants of 'english', let alone regional differences.

What I might suggest is you draw up a sheet of paper and set up, say, five vertical columns and in the right side put the Norwegian word, and as you come upon "english" terminology you put the word into a corresponding row for the Norwegian meaning.

I suggest a sheet of paper, because you can just have it at hand and it's much easier, and faster, than saving and accessing it on a 'phone.

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