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Im about to put a Monsoon into my nissan stagea WGNc34, rb25det s1,5/2 wit ha automatid non triptonic transmision.
Im goign to use the monsson to controll the engien and the oem ecu to controll the gearbox, but im unsure what the ECU needs to controll the gearbox.
Do anyone have the answer to this befor i start cutting wiers? :)
If somone have experiance at all doing this its apreshiated!
I've looked into this and unfortunately given that the factory ECU controls the auto completely, it's going to be looking for the already finnicky factory CAS signals as well as TPS. I've been tinkering slowly but surely with building a patch harness with integrated buffer circuit but it's been low on my priorities as my Stagea is currently my daily.
I have heard this aswell, and the plan is to split the signal to the monsoon and the oem ecu to compansate for that, i just need to be sure i let the oem ecu have all the rigth stuff to work.
A friend of mine had a r33 with a auto non triptobic and used power fc on it, figurer when rpm was over 7500 thr gearbox locked on itself and had to blir the throtle To make it shift, under that it shifted fine, had somthing to do with it having 1 or 2 selinoids, but I dont remember 😅