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O2 sensor wiring gauge size

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Hi Everyone,

I’m sat on the fence as my OEM O2 sensor including O2 heater circuit is using 19 AWG.

I need to extend it and want to do it properly, building an extension cable with the OEM connectors. So when replacement time comes it’ll just be easier.

I only have 20AWG wires to hand though.

IIRC Zac uses 22AWG for sensors and only 18AWG for ignition.

Will I be ok to use 20AWG or should I get some 18AWG ?


An oxygen sensor heater circuit can draw up to 8 amps (varies with conditions and the specific sensor), while something like a MAP sensor draws less than 0.1 amps, so the gauge requirements are quite different.

If 2 feet or less, 20 gauge should be alright, if 2-6 feet 18 gauge.

I use 18 gauge for this because the overall length is generally more than 2 feet.

Thanks Mike.

The extension itself will be 1 foot long so I’ll go with 20AWG on this occasion.

Sounds good.

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