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Question about Wiring up this Honda "stock" harness to Link G4x Fury

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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So I have a stock harness that I am trying to convert to the link ecu connector. In the Factory wiring diagrams it shows the Pin A25 and B2 to be used for the shielding wire for the Knock sensor and Dizzy crank Sensor. But not only does it connect to the ECM it also connects to the Engine. I just got done with the course and I remember the instructor saying that grounding both sides of the shielding wire goes against the Star Pathing Rule, So my question is Where do I ground it? To the Engine only or combine both A25 and B2 into the Shield/gnd Pin at the link ecu? Or just into a regular Ground pin at the ECU? Also the LG1 and LG2 stand for Logic ground if that Helps.

I included the Factory Diagram That I am referencing and Outlined the pins that I am talking about.

Attached Files

Figured it out, Just have to separate the shielding wire for the crank and Knock sensor from the power ground portion and Run those to the Link Shield pin and then run everything else on that Engine ground to the ground pins on the Link.

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