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Sensor ground

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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I had a quick search and didn't find an answer but wanted to ask when looking at the schematics diagram how do you tell if the ground showing is sensor ground or chassis ground. For example on gauges at least with most diagrams that I have seen do not specify .

Do the ground share the same icon and just tell if itd a DI or analog and if its 5v or more ? Or do they have a different icon on the diagrams .

Thank you

I'm not sure I follow your question sorry? A sensor ground will run back to the relevant sensor ground pin on the ECU where as a power ground will be grounded on the engine block (assuming you're talking about the ECU sensors here? If you're running an aftermarket gauge then they will usually just have a 12V and power ground connection as they internally will have a 5V regulator and provide 5V and a ground reference to the sensor).

Thank you Andre , yes that is what I was pretty much asking .

Jumping back to this thread just wanting to understand something . Since I have touched o nthe matter of gauges as example currently installing a sensor on my car and directions suggest the ground to be engine ground . Does that mean that the engine ground and chassis ground could be the same in this instance ? Or should I extend the wire and groud it to my engine ? If so should I use 1 of the 3 oem engine grounds that my oem loom uses or it doesn't matter ? Sorry for the noob questions

Thanks !

As Andre mentioned the sensor ground must return to the ECU. And the power ground fixed to chassis or engine. Please Avoid ground loop.

(In an electrical system, a ground loop or earth loop occurs when two points of a circuit both intended to be at ground reference potential have a potential between them.[1] This can be caused, for example, in a signal circuit referenced to ground, if enough current is flowing in the ground to cause two points to be at different potentials.)

Captured from wiki

I hope this will help you.



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