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Steering Wheel Wiring

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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Hello everyone!

I was wondering if someone would be able to give a little bit of insight on wiring and setting up steering wheel controls, utilizing the ECUMasters CAN Switch Board. Such as the ones on the V8 GT86. I'd like to set up some driver control switches for my 350Z that will allow me to perform the accessory functions, such as lights, turn signals, wipers, etc. I will be running an aftermarket steering column, so keeping the accessory stuff on the column will be more difficult. If anyone has any documentation on the general wiring of this that they are willing to share, that would be much appreciated.



Hi Kevin,

I have attached a pdf of the user manual for this device, it should contain all the information you are after. If you need anything else, please be sure to ask. The wiring of this is pretty straight forward as it only needs a 12v supply, ground, CAN high and CAN low to operate.

Attached Files

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