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Wiring hints

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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hello guys,

i am going to start to create my own loom this afternoon, so i wanna ask if there is any hints or things that i should be concentrating on (other than the normal wiring) for example resistors as looms gets longer more resistors should be installed


Create the harness documentation first. Include all the connectors (including part numbers), labels, and notes (like twist CANbus wires, or shield crank / cam signals). It's much easier to change a cell in a spreadsheet than to move a wire. You should have every connection and splice identified and a wire color / diameter selected.

Create a sketch of your loom layout, with all branches (transitions) identified, and a wire length for each segment.

I don't get your resistor thing -- other than CANbus termination, (or a rare sensor pull-up resistor), I can't think of any resistors normally installed in a loom.

Sometimes I can spend longer creating the documentation than I do fabricating the loom -- but it means once I start fabrication, I have all the information necessary to complete the loom.

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