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Engine bed-in

Engine Building Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Engine Building Fundamentals

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Dear Andre!

If i put my freshly built 4G63 in the car and haven´t programmed it yet, isn´t it bad if i run the engine in even on only 50% load? The ignition and fuel tables won´t fit, right? So, how should i perform the break-in process without maybe burning a hole in my new pistopn or even engine?


Best Regards


G'day Sascha.

When your starting the tuning process from scratch, you'll be focusing on the idle and low to mid RPM steady state sections initially. I find that by the time these sections are under control the engine will have had sufficient bed-in time. I like to drop the oil, and change / inspect the oil filter at this point to ensure everything looks healthy, they get to the full power sections of the map.

If you're logical and methodical in your tuning process, and have good knock detection gear, you wont go burning holes in anything :-).

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