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What would the procedures be to break-in an engine on the road?
So the idea is to follow this procedure: Use a 30-minute break-in period. For the first 15 minutes, I will apply load at 50% of the throttle and at one-third of the RPM range for 10 seconds, then backing off for 20 - 30 seconds, and then repeating the process. For the remaining 15 minutes, I will increase the throttle to 75% while performing the same heat cycle.
What's the best way to apply this procedure to break-in on the road?
Thanks guys
On the road, just drive the car for 150-250 miles without spending too much time at a constant speed. Don't use full throttle or rev to redline for the first 50 miles. There is no way to get to the higher loads for long enough on the road to follow to the fast dyno break in procedure.
Thanks for your quick response.
Okay I understand.
Would love to get road break-in done correctly, so not to have any issues due to improper bedding of the rings.
So when it comes to not spending too much time at a constant speed, is there any specific time that I can stay at one speed and is there any specific time for backing off? Let's say, 10 seconds at one speed and backing off (vacuum) for 30 seconds.
I would say no more than a few minutes. Shouldn't be a problem unless you are on a freeway with the cruise control on. Personally, I would just drive around looking for hills to go up that allow more chances to apply load on the engine.
Ok got it
Luckily, there are a few hills (both ups and downs) in the area.
So what about engine breaking (not break-in) when going down a hill? Does it count as a helpful, suitable load?
One other thing to be mindful of is not to keep engine idling at constant low RPM. Start it up, make sure there are no leaks, keep reving it back and forth up to 3000+ RPM when stationery, get it on the road as quick as possible to aply the load as described above...
Thanks for that bit of advice @georg1970
Overrun operation of the engine (engine braking) assists in the bedding of the rings by generating a lower pressure in the combustion chamber and loading the ring set.
Oh forgot to say thanks guys 😁
Is there any factual guidance on this as most of the answers here just seems like opinion and it is certainly not how I would do it.
I have just broken one engine in, not sure if it was dyno broken in, but doubt it, and have two more to come that I am building myself.
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