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Micrometer scratching crankshaft journal surface

Engine Building Fundamentals

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Hello everyone,

I've been measuring my crankshaft journal diameters with a micrometer. What I am noticing after all the measuring that there is some light scratching on the journal surface. Is this normal? I cannot feel 90% of the scratches with my nail. I have done all of this before sending the crankshaft for polishing.

I am using the ratchet as directed in the videos, perhaps I'm still not gentle enough? What I'm afraid of is causing more scratches after it has been polished, as I will need to measure it again. I have also purchased identical micrometers to what is used in the videos.

Thank you!

Attached Files

Some minor scratching can occur when using the micrometer. you can help reduce this by making sure the anvils and the journal are clean (this should be done anyway) and also being a little mindful of how much you rock the mic as you're finding the widest point. That being said, those scratches will polish out very easily so they aren't a concern. You can polish them using some fine 1200 grit wet and dry and a lubricant.

Thanks Andre!

Cheers for that too !

I'm just about to buy my set of micrometers and had wondered about this.

I know you can get a ball tip for them but wasn't sure it's really required.

I'll practice on my spare crankshaft :)

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