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For quench or squish on a engine making about 500 horsepower NA in a V8 platform like a small block chevy, what is the optimal thickness for a boosted engine or a engine using Nitrous( like adding 175 shot of nitrous or 10-20Lbs of boost). Do they need more clearance than a naturally aspirated engine being typically 0.035-0.040 desired range for efficiency and power. What's the reason for change in clearance between different applications if there is any?
You did not specify the level of power in question, so I will answer this assuming you are talking about hot street or mid-level race engines on gas:
Boosted engines on gas are still burning air and fuel just like any other engine. What works for NA is typically close to what works for boost, at least until you get into mega-high boost, but that is most likely moving into the realm of methanol.
Nitrous engines are a completely different animal, and need completely different setups. Trying to set them up like a normal engine will lead to a large volume of sacrifice to the Gods of Mt Aluminum. In fact, most builders are trying to achieve the exact opposite characteristics in a nitrous engine compared to non-N2O. Exactly what that setup looks like varies, with different builders/tuners looking to do different things. It will also vary significantly with different combustion chamber designs.
Look up nitrous chamber softening as a starting point.