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Hi guys, my current set up are a b18c with honed trigger kit, 450cc injectors and a éthanol sensor from continental, link hc92x g4x.
My question is about flexfuel strategy, first of all I have my fuel and ignition table 1 for low cam and my fuel and ignition table 2 for high cam vtec. My first idea was to use a 4D fuel and ignition table base on the éthanol sensor but some friends told me it could be easier to use table 2 for flexfuel and 4d for high cams vtec…
Can someone open my eyes I could not find topic related about this type of set up !
I essentially do what your friend suggested.
I use the modelled multifuel option, dual ignition table enabled, set to interpolate between, then set the ignition table ratio based on multi fuel blend. That way you are using ignition tables 1,2 for flex.
Then you can use the 4d ignition table to account for high cam.
If you tune on gas, low and high cam, then tune low cam on high ethanol, then tune high cam on high ethanol, you may find the optimal offset in timing on high ethanol vs pump gas is not identical on low and high cam.
At that point you can either compromise areas you shouldn't ever hit on low cam unless there's a VTEC failure, or you can use the 5d table to further offset ignition timing as ethanol varies.
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