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Race e85 ou race petrol for drag use.

Ethanol & Flex Fuel Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Ethanol & Flex Fuel Tuning

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We are going to buid a new race car for drag use with an WV r32 turbo engine.

As i know the maximum injector flow that we have is 21LB and we will be limited by the fuel supply so is better to use e85 or racing fuel (and witch one )?

I have no experience with the rciing fuel but i tvink that if we can keep the same afr than the classic fuel 14.7 we will use less fuel than with e85 but, will i have the same performance (knock level etc) than with the e85 ?

Thanks to your help !

You are correct that the ethanol will limit your power potential compared to petrol/gasoline/benzine fuels because it needs, IIRC, around 50% more volume for the same power.

Or for the same fuel volume gasoline (IIRC) offeres a potential for 50% more power.

You will probably find the engine likes it quite a bit richer than stoich', but this is something to establish for your application, bearing in mind exhaust temperature, detonation, pre-ignition, etc, limitations.

There is a huge range in "race fuel", see below, some have very high limits, some not much better than regular high octane pump fuel - it will also depend on what you are able to buy in your country. The better ones contain lead, though, and that may lead to problems if it's banned in France. Even with that information, it's impossible to comment on whether you will be detonation limit, because there are so many variables that will affect your specific engine's detonation threshold.

Check out SONOCOs listings, for example - https://www.sunocoracefuels.com/fuels There are many other companies that have a range of race fuels, I'd suggest you check the web sites of the fuel companies in your country to see what they offer.

Oh, when comparing "octane", remember there are three common ways of referring to it MON, RON (which may be used in Europe?) and the (MON + RON)/2 method used in the USA - I would expect both RON and the USA method to be listed, just make sure you're comparing oranges to oranges.


thanks a lot for your answer so more simple in France to find is the VP-racing fuels.

So we have the C16 if i want to keep the engine in fuel or we have the X85 or X98 if i want to go to Ethanol fuel.

Witch one for you seams to be better? I think the game will be betten the C16 and the X98.

VP also have a very good range. I can't comment on what power level the injectors (and rest of the fuel system) can support but if you work it out you should know if that's enough for the power level you want to run.

If the injectors have the capacity for alcohol, fine, you have a choice of which fuel is easier for you to buy, cheaper, etc - but if they're too small you're going to be stuck with the non-alcohol race fuels

Don't forget, those with lead will contaminate the lambda fairly quickly.

YEP you are right about the lambda too... thanks for the information

The most power I had from VP racing fuels came from VP Import and VP Q16 blends. Those are outstanding quality fuels....

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