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Intercooler- larger core vs more efficient end tanks

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I'm currently looking at (2) Garrett intercooler cores. My current HP is 350-400 whp. Both cores will meet this requirement.

18x10x3 inches

20x11x3 inches

The end tank design will greatly differ due to space limitations. Is a better end tank efficiency preferred vs a larger core?

Here are the end tanks compared. Thoughts?

Attached Files

Without actually testing, it's impossible to say, but my thoughts -

While the larger one has ~20% more area, the end tanks' design may cause stagnation/poor airflow through a significant part of the matrix and more through a limited area, compared to a better end tank design that gives a more even airflow and better uses the matrix area available.

In practice, the former MAY have a higher pressure drop across it, and MAY have poorer heat rejection compared to the "smaller" one.

Personally, if I had to make the purchase, I'd go for the flow over area.

Thanks Gord!

I was thinking the same as you, but the thought process of “get the largest intercooler you can fit” was picking at me.

There is a user on YouTube called project farm that tested eBay intercoolers with modified end tanks and showed a HP improvement.

It’s interesting to see how flow and efficiency can drastically change HP.

I know that channel - he does some very interesting product testing.

The small one should be good enough in my opinion. Considering boost level required for making 400 hp the difference in the area will make very small difference in aftercooled air temperature all else being equal. But if end tank design is more efficient on the smaller intercooler it may make it up for less area available.

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