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4g63 High boost valve springs

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Hey everyone, what valve springs do you guys use running 45-47psi boost on your 4g63. I want to also say that this is street car not sanctioned drag racing only car. It will see some driving on the street. I know to run this boost pressure I need around 107-110lbs spring seat pressure. If you are using lets say racing only springs with 130lbs-140lbs seat pressure do you see a lot more wear on valves, valve seats etc than running 110lbs?? My original plan was to use gsc 5041 springs and their seat pressure is 100lbs but my valves has been cut so this is decreasing my seat pressure and to my calculation to have 105lbs seat pressure on those springs I need to use 0.060 shim. On the other hand if I use racing only springs with 130-140 seat pressure If I dont use shims at all because my valves seats has been cut I will end up with 120-130lbs seat pressure. Thanks a lot!

Nobody can help?

Not personally, but it's good to see you being concerned about this - many just stick "high performance" springs in from their preferred vendor and don't give it another thought - even when they have valve failures.

That said, there are several people very experienced with that engine on here, but they tend to be busy and only drop in now and again.

Yes I noticed that there is not much help from those several people experience with 4g63 . I think the only option is to find out myself and install racing springs with higher seat pressure and watch if there is wear on another dissembling after 10-15k miles

There shouldn't be an increase in valve face or seat wear, normally caused by valve rotation on the seat during the normal operation, and the latter shouldn't be affected.

I thought the engine used a rolloer tip rocker, but seems not - the tip applies a side force as it sweeps through its arc, and that may be expected to increase wear, especially with higher lift camshafts. There may (I expect so but $$$) be roller tip rockers available, which should drastically reduce the guide and valve stem wear.

There are different materials generally available for replacement guides (haven't checked that specific engine) and some are more resistant than others but, again, $$$s. Running to the tighter side of the tolerances should reduce initial wear.

Yes I did installed some Manganese Bronze valve guides and I will run them with little tighter clearances than oem. I have never seen roller tip rockers for this application but they might be available I don't know. I did purchased brand new oem rockers and after some mileage with those racing springs when disassembling this engine I will closely inspect all the parts to see if there is any excessive wear on any of them.

Well, when it comes to choosing the valve springs it's not only about the boost but RPM too. The higher RPM is the havier valves become thus more bouncing back from valve seat. There are two ways to solve it - stiffer valve springs or lighter valves. The other issue is spring resonating frequency. Most popular choice for 4g63 that combats all 3 issues is gsc 5041. That's what i use on my engine with 50 psi of boost.

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You are using gsc 5041 at 50 psi boost and you have no problems at all? Did you shim them for more seat pressure or you keep them with standard height? With standard height they are 100lbs intake and 107lbs exhaust. I talked to Greg from Gsc and he told me he recommend stronger/stiffer spring than 5041 over 40psi boost. To be at 50psi boost safely you need at least 110lbs seat pressure.

Sorry, my bad - I'm using GSC 5079 springs

Ahh thats explaining everything. I will get 5079 or kiggly racing than. Thanks a lot!

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