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4g63 valve guides to valve stem clearance help!

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I know that kind of question usually is best for machine shops but I hope someone here can help. What clearances do you guys run on bronze valve guides to valve stem. On cyl head that I gave to the machine shop they did Intake 0.002 inch and exhaust 0.0025 . Isn't 0.002 a little too much on the intake? I can feel that valve is moving side to side without spring installed when I open the valve. I know oem manual says 0.001-0.002 intake and 0.002-0.003 exhaust so I am within the specs but on the upper level. I think I would feel more comfortable with 0.0015 intake and 0.002 exhaust What do you guys run with bronze valves? 4 years ago I remember friend of mine subaru sti broke a timing belt, and I was building his cyl heads over night, I replaced guides because old ones were broken from bent valves and than I realized that I have no reamer to make clearance and it was middle of the night so basically I installed new valves into new bronze guides with zero clearance, you could fell that valve was sticking in the guide we even used 2000 grit sand paper to smooth the valve itself because it was too tight we also lapped the valves with lapping compound, so basically we did everything that we are not supposed to do but to my surprise this engine is still running today and making 600whp now.

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You should be absolutely fine with those numbers.

Great, Thanks. The reason why I ask because every machine shop is giving me different clearances. Some say 0.001 on intake others 0.0015 and some people 0.002 but I think thats the upper limit on intake side. You can feel that with 0.002 clearance valve is wobbling a little more than what I like to see but its not much I can do now.

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