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Any reason why I can’t check v2v clearance with the head upside down on the workbench?

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I think this would be much easier than pulling out all but cyl #1’s valves and hanging it off the edge of the workbench. Hanging it off the edge is kinda sketchy IMO. Nothing on the top of it sticks out to contact the work bench. Any reason why this is a bad idea?

You could drop it?

In theory, I don't see a problem, you may need some messing about to position the camshafts in their relative positions for the engine rotations - but I'm a little surprised at your rather high level of concern about V2V interference, do you know of it being an issue?

I see on HondaTech it is often more an issue than p2v. I don’t know why it would be and I hadn’t planned to measure it but since I’ve gone and got my head off now I might as well get those clearances too.

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