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1g DSM Haltech Injector setup

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Struggling to get up and running with my 91 Eagle Talon TSI. Using Haltech Elite 1500 with upgraded DW 880cc LOW IMPENDENCE injectors. I thought I was doing right by updating all of the injector manufacturers settings in the Haltech but I can’t get the car to fire. Ignition seems to be fine. I am now realizing that I had the Haltech setup for Low Z 1-3 OHMs and also have the factory Injector resistor pack still installed.

probably don’t need both of these. Am I on the right track with my thinking? I am new to all of this but do read a ton and have most of the HP courses under my belt. If I don’t need both the Haltech setup to run the Low Z peak and hold injectors plus the Resistor which should I stick with? Should I just delete the OeM resistor pack?

I don’t know if this is even an issue to start with. Maybe the resistor isn’t doing anything if the Haltech is already doing its job?

I guess asking the question is sometimes enough to get you to the answer. I removed all of the settings I had changed for the injectors and used the Haltech base map and it fired right up. I would still like someone's opinion as to whether I should delete the old factory style Resistor box and let the Haltech handle that or should I just leave well enough alone and go with it? This is not a street car, will be a totally dedicated circut track car.

It can be made to work fine either way. Sounds like you are getting it going.

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