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2JZ VVTi with link monsoon

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Has anyone the base map of 2jz VVTIfor link g4+ ? we are currently wiring the engine to a monsoon ecu and require a base map. additionally can someone assist with the VVTI wiring and tuning? Thank you!

I've attached a base map that should get your trigger setup and VVTi setup running. You will still need to tune this map to suit your engine though so please understand that it is just a startup map.

Attached Files

Thanks Andre, how to tune vvt ???

Hi Andre,

I am to be wiring in a monsoon to a 2jz vvti also, have downloaded then stock motor file and when opened, ecu type says g4+ storm black, Have you a stock startup config for the monsoon on a 2jz vvti with wasted spark setup please ?


Hey Simon, personally I wouldn't recommend a Monsoon for a 6 cylinder engine as you lose the ability to run sequential injection. If you're intent on going this way however I don't have a start map but you can just copy and paste the relevant tables/parameters from the Storm start map into your Monsoon. You'll need to run waste spark ignition and batch fire fuel.

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